Dr B N Suresh
Formaer ISRO Scientist
India towards highest achievement in telecommunication sector

Renowned educationist Dr.GururajaKarajagi opined that only those who pass academic exams are intelligent and should not compare intelligence with skill. He spoke on 'National Education Policy: 2020 Pros and Cons' at the fifth lecture series of Amruthamhotsava of the National Education Society at KuvempuRangamandira in the city. Don't confuse intelligence with math and science. The new National Education Policy has removed the distinction between curriculum and curricular activities. Experiential learning is emphasized and will be able to stay in the mind for a long time. We don't remember the exam questions we wrote, the drama performed on stage during those school days is always remembered. That is the power of skill based education and NEP will advocate such a system.


Through remote sensing applications, sensitive issues like land fertility, water content, fisheries, forest conservation, urban planning can be obtained and managed in regional languages. In 2010 alone, about thirty thousand crore of rupees were saved in the fisheries sector. Efforts are being made to make many changes in every sector in a similar fashion. Any rocket launch costs about eight hundred crores. A small mistake like that is that the rocket will not enter the orbit but will enter the sea. In such defeats it is frustrating not to find words to boost confidence. Government is providing necessary facilities for promotion of space research sector. During the ASLV trial in 1992, we had more challenges. Due to these previous defeats, the pressure of the challenge was high. That was the result of our hard work. He recalled that the moment he got success, there were tears in everyone's eyes and a silent celebration.

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    Bobby Aktar
    April 03, 2019

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which.

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